Semi-Famous Code

By | September 6, 2016

I was making some random comments on twitter to other VMworld attendees and I got an odd reply:

Sure I have some PowerCLI code, not very much but there are a few nuggets.

Jason sent me the slide, and it looks like his co-presenter (Mike Matthews) referenced my blog post on VMDK UUIDs as part of his workflow for cloning a SQL DB drive on windows and presenting it to a VM. I’m quite thrilled that this made it into someone else’s presentation, it’s a better feeling that presenting actually since someone else is validating your work.

The session is called: STO8923 – PowerShelling Storage to the Exterme, you can access the session playback here.


Here is the code in case you don’t want to go to the other blog post. If you use some sort of hardware storage cloning to clone a vmdk, the vmdk uuid is not changed which can cause problems when you attempt to mount the vmdk to the same VM (uuid  conflict). This script will change that UUID so that the VM sees it as a new disk.

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