Error Cloning HP Custom 6.0u1 VMware Image

By | December 6, 2015

HP released their custom ESXi 6.0u1 Image and VMware Recipe last month and I have just gotten around to building a custom iso for my environment. UPDATE: HP release a custom iso for ESXi 6.0u1b and it STILL has the issue, I still have a case open with HP.

Update 2/12/2016: The case is starting to gain some traction but nothing has been done.

Update 2/24/2016: I provided the steps to re-create to HP and they did not see my issues. I tried to recreate and could not. Not sure what was going on, but it looks to be working (at least with the latest build).

I have a PowerCLI script using Image Builder that adds the HP depot file, clones the image, and adds in any extras (new patches, special drivers). For simple cases (adding a patch and injecting a driver) it works quite well. I have found  building a HP custom ISO from it’s components (esx-base plus the HP drivers) can be difficult because of the difference in drivers that HP wants you to use.

In this case, it was supposed to be a simple change, but it turned out to be quite difficult.

I added the HP software depot and then tried to clone the image profile, I got this error:
New-EsxImageProfile : VIB MEL_bootbank_nmst_4.0.0.20-1OEM.600.0.0.2295424 violates extensibility rule checks: [u'(line 39: col 0) Error validating value boolean’, u'(line 39: col 0) Element vib
failed to validate content’]
At line:10 char:1
+ New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile $HPImageProfile -Name $HPUpdatedImageProfile – …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (VMware.ImageBuilder.Types.ImageProfile:ImageProfile) [New-EsxImageProfile], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : EsxImageProfileValidationError,VMware.ImageBuilder.Commands.NewImageProfile

Apparently there is a problem with one of the VIBs (the nmst driver for Mellanox).

I was fairly stuck until I found this in the VMware docs.


Based on the doc, I created a PowerCLI script to generate a depot and iso that DOES NOT contain the bad NMST driver.



6 thoughts on “Error Cloning HP Custom 6.0u1 VMware Image

  1. Pingback: Newsletter: December 12, 2015 | Notes from MWhite

  2. matt

    Ran into this today and found your post. Thanks for pointing this out and providing your workaround. Hopefully HP will fix their iso.

    1. Chris Post author

      So I finally got some traction from them, I gave them my steps, and they couldn’t re-create the issue. I tried to re-create it and it worked fine. I’m not sure what’s going on. I tried the latest 6.0u1b iso.

  3. bert

    Many thanks for this script! Ran also into this issue.. apparently HPE hasn’t fixed this in the ESXi-6.0.0-Update2 image.. Arghhhh 🙁

  4. Tomas Hroch

    Hi, thank you very much for this script. ESX 6.0 U3 and bad nmst is still here, but your script give him hell 🙂

  5. Hunter

    Chris Chua,

    You are the man, this saved me atleast 10 minutes pulling that VIB, and exporting to ISO. As always my favorite engineer pulls through!

    Hope all is well friend!



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